Wednesday, February 15, 2023

 Shaving: The First Step to Being a Tranny?

I’ve written a few articles on the benefits of having a beard and I’ve provided the links below this article.

Is shaving the first step to being a tranny?  When studying the “new world order” I realize that there’s nothing new about it.  It is the same old Satanic doctrine warmed over millions of times.  One of the most profound parts of a man’s body is his beard, yet, from the time I was a teenager I started to shave and most everyone else did too.  However, hair may be an extention of the nervous system.  (See link below.) Most of the politicians and religious leaders have the girly-faced look even though the bible says not to cut the hair or the beard.  

The reason may be that the beard helps with making better judgments because it keeps the man in the natural order.

I believe that shaving is destructive to the spirit and the mind of men.  The shaved face puts on a false front and to me it doesn’t look normal.  And now with the LGBT being promoted in the schools and even churches,  perhaps the shaving part was put into place to compromise the masculinity of men.  There has to be a reason why men put up with the nonsense from government and religion.

Shaving the face has to the first step to being a tranny.  Why else would anyone do it?  Men with beards and long hair always looks better than when they shave their faces and cut their hair short.  Clement of Alexandria said that shaving was “womanly” and “effeminate.”  The story of Samson and Delilah is an example of how men can lose their strength and masculinity.  Most men that I know wouldn’t think of being a tranny,  but they shave their faces daily because they think it is a good practice of grooming.  Some men go as far as shaving their crotch area which is very queer in my opinion.  I look at a man’s shaved face as if it is a “mangina.”

The new world order is constructed by very weak and evil people and they will promote anything that will weaken men.  The only way for the evil ones to get their way is to weaken the public in a multitude of ways.  It appears that the shaving has weakened the men to such an extent, that normal morality is difficult to achieve.  Yes, shaving is immoral because it gives a false appearance of the person doing it.  It may also be a form of idolatry. The man looks like a little boy and the woman looks like a little girl.  Women don’t need to shave their armpits or legs…but that’s a subject for another article.

Shaving violates the natural order of life and we can see the evil that it produces in society.  It is the first step to being a tranny and it is good for nothing.  Shaving attacks masculinity.

I’m starting to see more men growing beards, so that is a good thing.  They look more respectable and masculine.  Altering what the real God created is stupid.  Just look at all the political and religious leaders who shave.  They are presenting a false image and they are prone to lying.

The “new world order” goes against the real God’s natural world order.  The idea of men slowly but steadily losing their masculinity by evil manipulation is difficult to comprehend, but it makes sense to me.  Evil is very persistent in attempting to destroy the dignity and masculinity of men and shaving is a good example of it.

Walter Allen Thompson has a book called Natural Law: The True Supreme Law of the Land


Is Shaving Queer

Suicidal Marketing

The Beard is an Extension of the Nervous System

The Beard: Reasserting Masculinity

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Artificial Intelligence: A Big Nothing Burger

 Artificial Intelligence: A Big Nothing Burger

 There has been a lot of talk about how AI is going to replace mankind in the workplace.

If you believe that AI is important, you have to understand what it is and how it works.  

AI is only a computer or processor which can process information quickly, however, it is not a sentient being and it can never have it’s own conscience.  The reason being is that it is only a processor of some kind and not something that thinks for itself.  AI is just another form of bullshit that is used to instill fear and depression in the population.  Perhaps, AI is going to be another way for people to worship another false god.  AI is designed to make idiots out of people and to get them to accept anything that comes along.  Technology is fine if used within the natural order, but when it violates virtue and morality, then it is good for nothing.

Just the words alone tell us the real story.  The key word is “artificial.”  Artificial is something that is made my men and then it tries to pass itself off as genuine.  If it was made by a man, then it still is subject to the law of nature.  Intelligence is a condition of the mind under the natural order, whereas, artificial means that it is manmade; i.e. fake.  Satanic cults will always disclose the truth of something.  In this case, the word “artificial” is that disclosure.

The people in any authority are evil and stupid and this is an example of just how far they will go to make people subject to their twaddle and poppycock.  So, don’t be frightened by AI because it is a big nothing burger. 

Walter Allen Thompson has a book called Natural Law: The True Supreme Law of the Land


Friday, February 10, 2023

MDs Have the Highest Suicide Rate

 MDs Have the Highest Suicide Rate

I was a bit shocked by the fact that MDs have the highest suicide rate of any profession.  Number 2 are dentists, 3. Police officers, and then 4. Veterinarians.  So three out of four are medical related.  There seems to be a big problem in the area of medicine, and I’ll give my personal opinion as to why.  Just do a search with this articles.

  • Medicine is subject to the dictates of the pharmaceutical industry and they make important treatment decisions based upon pharma and not so much the well-being of the patient.  There is no money in a cure.  
  • Once they start towing the line of “big pharma” their conscience starts to kick in and their lives are miserable until they can correct it.  Some doctors never get that done.  The conscience is a part of the natural law and it works well as the disciplinarian for living a good life.  

One of the things I find appalling is that all of us look to a profession that has the highest suicide rates for our own health.  I think it says a lot about how the medical system is extremely dysfunctional in many areas.  The good doctors are used as a cover-up for the evil policies and protocols used in medicine and hospitals.  As a result, millions of people needlessly perish under the care of a doctor whose profession has the highest suicide rate.

Bad medical care is at best manslaughter and worst it is murder.

The best thing for doctors to do is to go with their own conscience.  This will get better results.  Committing suicide will get even worse results than the problem that was already there.  


Obey the Conscience #2

Vaccines Violate the Natural Order

Abomination of Vaccinations: The Poisoned Needle

Murder by Morphine?

Walter Allen Thompson has a book called Natural Law: The True Supreme Law of the Land



Thursday, February 9, 2023

Vaccines Violate the Natural Order


Vaccines Violate the Natural Order

Vaccines are one of the most disgusting medical procedures that I have ever contemplated.  I wrote an article back in May, 2020 and it talks about the doctors who were opposed to the procedure.  Recently, Dr. Suzanne Humphries MD made a video called “Vaccines Have Never Been Safe.”  I suggest that everyone watch this video and do some serious thinking on the subject.

I think her best point is that vaccines are unnatural and that they cause harm to the patient.  This has been a real nightmare for a lot of unsuspecting people.  In my view, vaccines are not a legitimate medical procedure that benefits any patients.  In fact, I would think they are intended to euthanize people.  Vaccines are a form of depopulation, in my opinion.


Dr. Suzanne Humphries MD Vaccines Have Never Been Save

Abomination of Vaccinations: The Poisoned Needle

Walter Allen Thompson has a book called Natural Law: The True Supreme Law of the Land


Obey the Conscience #2


Obey the Conscience #2

Conscience takes up more room than all of the rest of a person’s insides. 

 Mark Twain

The safest course is to do nothing against one’s own conscience, with this secret , we can enjoy life and have no fear from death. 


What is the conscience?  In my understanding it is the inner-voice, spirit, or knowledge of something that is right or wrong.  We are inwardly influenced by the conscience and we are constantly reminded within ourselves of it’s existence.  The conscience is a part of the natural law and it serves all of us very well when we pay attention to it.  The conscience knows from right and wrong.  The idea is to keep ourselves on the good side of our own conscience and we won’t have as many problems than if we went the other way.  Staying within the boundaries of our own consciences will always produce better results.

One of the things that will prove it is if we disobey our conscience, we’ll always get paid back and that’s never going to be good.  I’ve had this experience in my lifetime and the bad results aren’t worth the price I paid for them.  This is a simple concept and I don’t need to write a book on the subject.  I know from experience that the conscience must be obeyed in order to live a good life.  

If we do things that are evil, then the conscience will condemn us.  The “deep state” people should take notice of this.  Their evil deeds will never prevail.  While it might look bad in the near future, the evil always loses; and that’s a good thing.

When I get that nagging feeling that something is right or wrong, it is up to me to take the proper action.  I will always get a better result than if I ignored it.  


Power of the Conscience

Walter Allen Thompson has a book called Natural Law: The True Supreme Law of the Land


 Are Religions Supporting the Evil Governments?

“Religion is regarded by the common people as true,

and by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful.”


Most of us have grown up in some kind of religion or another.  Everyone seems to think that their religion represents the “true” God and the others are in error.  But as I acquired more discernment, I’ve realized that these religions seem to be built on the same corrupted foundation as the governments: lies, lies, and more lies.  Once something is founded on lies, then there is no reason to believe any of it.  But it works well with the governments as it is a way to control the people.  Lies are a weakness and once believed, the people have weakened themselves with the misinformation.  No matter what the issue is I think it is important to always be looking for the truth regardless of any system of belief.  If the religion doesn’t represent the real God then there is going to be trouble. There has to be proof of the real God. The evidence that I use is the beauty and the magnificence of the Earth and the universe, someone would’ve had to create all of that, and that someone is the real God. Beyond that I don’t know any more than evidence that I can see and understand.

I’m getting used to looking at the results rather than the doctrine itself.  The behavior of the people in religious groups will tell me whether something is right, wrong, or questionable.

Religions are useful to governments because they weaken the minds of the people thereby making it much easier to manipulate them.  

In observing the natural order we can see the results of what the real God created.  All of our choices in life should be based on that which is easier to do than trying to understand some religious doctrines.

Walter Allen Thompson has a book called Natural Law: The True Supreme Law of the Land


Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Politics and Religion: Socialist Transmitted Disease

 Politics and Religion: Socialist Transmitted Disease.

When observing the idiocy of government and religion of today, we seem to be observing a type of intellectual syphilis—STD—socialist transmitted disease.  Mankind has been lied to on so many levels that it is absolutely mind boggling.  These governments and religions have set themselves up as false gods and they control the population by giving false information.  It is almost impossible to make any intelligent decision based on the information given by governments and/or religions.  However, it is possible to simply use the natural law or natural order to make sure that we make good and moral decisions; taking action accordingly.  Using right reason and common sense will go a lot farther than depending on false information that is purposely put forth and valid information.

I didn’t watch the “State of the Union” last night because I didn’t want to get an STD; socialist transmitted disease.  All I would have heard is a bunch of lies, and if the truth was being told at any time, it was to cover up the lies.  I don’t even bother to listen to the reports.  There is no useful information to be learned and all it might do is to spike more fear into the minds of the people.

This kind of brain-rot will not prevail and is doomed to failure.

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Looking for Justice in an Evil System


Looking for Justice in an Evil System

If mankind wants to solve its social problems, then he has to get down to the foundation of all the evil and correct it.  There cannot be any solution that will benefit mankind unless the root of the problem is addressed.  Well-intentioned people may try to fix these problems, but if the foundation is corrupted then there’s no point to make an attempt.  It’s like trying to make a wedding cake with a pile of manure.  Or, you can put frosting on the cake  of  rotten manure and then expect everyone to enjoy it.

 Recently, I have been writing about attempting to take positive action on any corrupted foundation. That is not going to work; it will always get bad results.  And the biggest problem with the world’s court system is the use of the oath.  Swearing oaths is a form of lying.  If lying is immoral, then results are always going to be bad.  In order to have justice in the court systems, the oath would have to be discarded in all of the courts.  This would put the process of courts back into the natural order.

I think the best way to get back into the natural is for each man, woman, and child should take the time and make intelligent judgments about their own behavior using the natural law as their guideline.  Most of us have never thought of it in this way, but it’s the  only thing that will work properly.  There are so many problems brought on mankind by governments and religions, that it is almost impossible to keep track of it all, let alone do anything about it.

We, as men and women, can only control ourselves and what we do.  If we can keep it within the real God’s natural law, then we will always get good results.  This is the real solution for mankind’s problems.  Government and religion compound the problem with their evil.  If they are oath-takers, then they are a part of the problem.

But to look for justice in an evil system is a big waste of time.  It is a lot easier for everyone to judge their own thoughts and actions with the natural order.  We are all born with a latent knowledge of the natural law and the conscience is the disciplinarian to make it work.  We should never do anything against the conscience and that will keep us out of trouble.

Walter Allen Thompson has a book called Natural Law: The True Supreme Law of the Land


Saturday, February 4, 2023

Sorcerers Casting Spells

 Sorcerers Casting Spells

“ a compelling influence or attraction”

When we allow ourselves to take in bad information or lies, we put our minds under a Satanic spell.  Recently, someone pointed out to me that the people in authority are essentially casting spells on the public.  Even the supposed “opposition” can do this by making it look like something is being done to remedy the situation, but the facts show there is no improvement.  But the facts show that this has been a constant method being used by governments, religions, medical industry, education, and entertainment.  The only remedy for this is the natural order and the natural law.  The reason is that the natural order can be proven most anytime because it applies to everyone the same way regardless of location and/or culture.  There is no sorcery with the natural order and there are no lies.  I wish I had known about this earlier in my life.  All of the garbage that I have taken over my years was not very productive because there’s no solution outside of the natural law.  We can’t expect evil to become good.  

Many people, including myself, look at these “new world order” events as being Satanic.  But we can all do better by staying away from these groups because their leaders are putting the people under their spells.  The spell is like a compelling influence or attraction with no moral validity.  Once the spell has been put out, the people seem to go along with it without much opposition.  Halloween is a good example.  Halloween is a Satanic holiday with hardly any opposition from the public.  The “spell” was cast long ago.  I believe it is the lie and the Satanic symbols that are the instruments of casting spells.  You can go to any religious organization’s building and see Satanic symbols or hear outright lies.  Again, false information is being used to cast spells on the unsuspecting public.  Oath-taking is another way to put people under the spell.

During the so-called “pandemic” millions if not billions of people were put under the “spell” about the threat of COVID-19 which appears to have been a complete fraud.  In my mind, it is difficult for me to believe anything in the government or media.  I’m at the point to where I have to prove it to myself before I believe in anything.  Believing in the fraud is a form of “compelling influence or attraction.”  We have all been subject to the sorcery of casting spells.  The people listening to the information sent out don’t really know the veracity of any of it.

Education is another form of Satanic indoctrination and spell casting.  It is done on millions of children and adults every year.  My memory of education was that it was complete twaddle with a few exceptions.  

In order for anyone to stay within the natural order, people should always ask the following:

  • What facts do they have to prove XXXXX is true? 
  • What facts do they have to prove something is true or false?
  • Is it right or is it wrong?
  • Is the morality consistent with the natural order?

This is a great way to stay out of trouble and we need truth in order to make intelligent decisions.  This is a way to stop reading so much by “thinking with someone else’s head.”  We should use our own minds by using our ability to use right reason and common sense.  Don’t let the sorcerer’s spell control your life.

Walter Allen Thompson has a book called Natural Law: The True Supreme Law of the Land
