Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Politics and Religion: Socialist Transmitted Disease

 Politics and Religion: Socialist Transmitted Disease.

When observing the idiocy of government and religion of today, we seem to be observing a type of intellectual syphilis—STD—socialist transmitted disease.  Mankind has been lied to on so many levels that it is absolutely mind boggling.  These governments and religions have set themselves up as false gods and they control the population by giving false information.  It is almost impossible to make any intelligent decision based on the information given by governments and/or religions.  However, it is possible to simply use the natural law or natural order to make sure that we make good and moral decisions; taking action accordingly.  Using right reason and common sense will go a lot farther than depending on false information that is purposely put forth and valid information.

I didn’t watch the “State of the Union” last night because I didn’t want to get an STD; socialist transmitted disease.  All I would have heard is a bunch of lies, and if the truth was being told at any time, it was to cover up the lies.  I don’t even bother to listen to the reports.  There is no useful information to be learned and all it might do is to spike more fear into the minds of the people.

This kind of brain-rot will not prevail and is doomed to failure.

1 comment:

  1. Judaism, satanism or talmudism is what prevails in this poorly made world, with the purpose of making us suffer in the worst way, the worst there is no limit anymore, nobody says anything, nobody does anything, we just stand idly by to that pass over each one of us over and over again
