(This is baby Holm who was ripped from his mother's breast while she was nursing him on Oct 11th, 2016. He was just 33 hours old and was still in the hospital.)
Update: 02/11/18 As of this date, this young boy has not been returned to his mother and father. There is no reason for anyone--anywhere-- to have any respect for the government. This has proven to me that they are completely useless bastards from hell. No one has been arrested on the Pizzagate issue and the children of all mothers and fathers are in danger. If these evil thugs can do this to helpless children, just think what they will do to you.
If any of you think that government is a necessary evil, then you are wrong. Evil is never necessary and the evil that comes upon us is caused by the government and the religions. And I suggest that if you are in either one, just quit, because there won't be a good outcome for people who work for the government and the religions. They are of the occult and the Devil and they don't get good results. Even though I do believe in the God who created the heavens and the earth, the governments and the religions should be flushed down the toilet of a very dark period of history.
How it all started
The following information is going to be from my memory and notes that came from conversations and text exchanges that I have from Christian and Danielle Holm. I am going to focus more on the facts and expose those who did the evil deed of kidnapping the baby. This baby has essentially been put in a foster home jail because he belongs to his mother and father.
This isn't the first case that I've seen that when someone takes a child to the doctor, say for a broken ankle, that the mother or father is reported as a possible abuser. The child is then taken from the hospital and put into foster care. If this happens, it can be years later that they get the child back, destroying the lives of the families. And in the Holm case, there was no abuse of the baby Danielle had simply gone to the hospital to deliver her baby. However, a series of events followed that are unbelievable.
Hospital worker starts the problem
This is Cheri Gay, who is the "social worker" at Regional Medical Center in Calhoun County, Alabama near the small town of Heflin. When Christian asked a worker at the hospital something to the effect: "How do I keep the State out of my business?", that set off an alarm. They did a Google search "Christian Holm....Arizona. Here is the result:
Mar 3, 2015 - Richard Christian Holm, 36, of Nogales, Arizona was taken into custody Feb. 24, 2015 after federal officers said they found heroin taped to hi.. <<< The social worker conflated Christian Holm with Richard Christian Holm and they are not the same people. Christian Holm has a private PO Box in Arizona. It was obvious that Danielle and Christian were not the drug dealers listed on Google. But they kept the baby. The DHR in Alabama then decided to steal the child after just 33 hours after he was born.
Social workers who kidnap the baby
(Stacy Jackson)
According to Danielle Holm, these two people, Tracy Jackson and Rachael Israel, allegedly stole the baby when there was no signed court order. This all happened without any probable cause or any facts that show that their laws applied to the Holm family. There was no physical abuse and no other reason why this child should be stolen. We are all speculating that some of the reasons that baby Holm is a white baby and the Holm family was living off the grid to a certain extent. The Holm family did not want a Social Security number for the child nor did they want any vaccines. Our opinion is
that because of these issues, it made them a perfect target for the kidnap. Eventually, there was some kind of court order with no hearing and no ability for the Holms to put forth a defense. In addition, a few weeks after this occurred, someone came out of nowhere and filed useless documents in the Holms behalf which were not helpful. The Holms eventually withdrew these documents. They were new to the legal system and didn't know any better.
They came into the hospital room while the baby was nursing and held back Danielle's arms and then kidnapped the baby who she could hear crying all the way down the hall. Remember, this is supposedly the government for the people. Nothing can be farther from the truth. They are just a group of psychopaths to prey on innocent people. This is like something that came from a horror film, yet, it is true and it brings unbelievable pain on the mother, father, and the baby.
Now, can you all see why these court proceedings are private? The remedy is only in their secret court system which is nothing more than a private company who is in the business of trafficking of men, woman, and children. They use the lame excuse of "in the interest of the children." No, it is in the interest for those who collect the money and then supply the perverse markets of Satanic Ritual Abuse, pedophiles, collection of body parts, cannibalism, and every other disgusting thing. This is a perfect example as to why these government agencies should be shut down. They are good for nothing and they have no place within a peaceful society. Anyone who works for the government should quit before they die and go to hell. And, while all of this was going on, this lady on the right, Neikea Holt, stood by and watched the whole thing unfold. I find this hard to believe myself as I write this article, but this has happened to many women.

Lying DHR supervisor
Here is what the Holm family says about her: "This is Leslie Smith. The supervisor of all the social workers. Another liar. Creates false flags to make us not see our son anymore. Lies to attorneys. Lies to everyone and then runs to all the police officers acting like we are dangerous. All to build a case against us. She is a master manipulator. And also made the decision to allow Stacy Jackson to kidnap our son after Stacy Jackson said she had to call her to answer our question about "what is the most simple way we can live without being harassed by the state" stacy said she had to call her supervisor ^^^leslie smith and she would let us know. 30 minutes later she stacy came back with law enforcement and rachel kidnapped baby and handed to stacy. In my view, the only reason these slugs would lie is if they are making a ton of money on these babies. Imagine, the stealing of babies is a cash cow. But there's no other reason for it, at least one that I can understand.

Again, on the right is Allison Miller, the so-called attorney for the baby. Imagine, a baby that needs an attorney. This is what the Holm family said about her: "Allison miller. Our sons "attorney" who continues to not give a crap about him being abused by the state and not us. She pushed for him to be away from us." The attorneys are the worst kind of crooks money can buy. Incidently, Christian and Danielle, went to the Attorney General's office to try to get some help, and they called him back and said that his office did not have "jurisdiction." If the government doesn't want to help someone, they always say that they don't have jurisdiction. Using attorneys is a complete waste of time and the court system is so trashed that it isn't good for anything. The people need to learn how to shift the burden of proof as it is the only thing that I think works, and even then, it is hit or miss because the courts are like skin-diving in a cesspool.

Melody Brooks Walker
This was the first judge who recused herself but failed to give the child back. When a defendant asks for the facts as to probable cause, these judges dummy-up because they know there is no probable cause.

Tony Hamlin
" Tony Hamlin.... DHR attorney who knows exactly what is going on but still goes along with DHR lies and covers for them."
Jonathan Fordham
From Christian: "Jonathan Fordham juvenile probation officer at Cleburne County Courthouse who approved false accusations on a petition and signed off saying there was enough "probable cause" to steal our child. This was signed AFTER they kidnapped him." For those of you who think all of this is a bunch of nonsense, I've seen things like "sanitizing" courtroom transcripts, withholding favorable evidence for the defendant, and using extortion techniques to get what they want.

Carrie Martin
Update: 02/11/18 As of this date, this young boy has not been returned to his mother and father. There is no reason for anyone--anywhere-- to have any respect for the government. This has proven to me that they are completely useless bastards from hell. No one has been arrested on the Pizzagate issue and the children of all mothers and fathers are in danger. If these evil thugs can do this to helpless children, just think what they will do to you.
If any of you think that government is a necessary evil, then you are wrong. Evil is never necessary and the evil that comes upon us is caused by the government and the religions. And I suggest that if you are in either one, just quit, because there won't be a good outcome for people who work for the government and the religions. They are of the occult and the Devil and they don't get good results. Even though I do believe in the God who created the heavens and the earth, the governments and the religions should be flushed down the toilet of a very dark period of history.
How it all started
The following information is going to be from my memory and notes that came from conversations and text exchanges that I have from Christian and Danielle Holm. I am going to focus more on the facts and expose those who did the evil deed of kidnapping the baby. This baby has essentially been put in a foster home jail because he belongs to his mother and father.
This isn't the first case that I've seen that when someone takes a child to the doctor, say for a broken ankle, that the mother or father is reported as a possible abuser. The child is then taken from the hospital and put into foster care. If this happens, it can be years later that they get the child back, destroying the lives of the families. And in the Holm case, there was no abuse of the baby Danielle had simply gone to the hospital to deliver her baby. However, a series of events followed that are unbelievable.
Hospital worker starts the problem
This is Cheri Gay, who is the "social worker" at Regional Medical Center in Calhoun County, Alabama near the small town of Heflin. When Christian asked a worker at the hospital something to the effect: "How do I keep the State out of my business?", that set off an alarm. They did a Google search "Christian Holm....Arizona. Here is the result:
2 arrested in drug smuggling attempt at border - Arizona Daily Star
Social workers who kidnap the baby
(Stacy Jackson)

that because of these issues, it made them a perfect target for the kidnap. Eventually, there was some kind of court order with no hearing and no ability for the Holms to put forth a defense. In addition, a few weeks after this occurred, someone came out of nowhere and filed useless documents in the Holms behalf which were not helpful. The Holms eventually withdrew these documents. They were new to the legal system and didn't know any better.
They came into the hospital room while the baby was nursing and held back Danielle's arms and then kidnapped the baby who she could hear crying all the way down the hall. Remember, this is supposedly the government for the people. Nothing can be farther from the truth. They are just a group of psychopaths to prey on innocent people. This is like something that came from a horror film, yet, it is true and it brings unbelievable pain on the mother, father, and the baby.

Lying DHR supervisor
Here is what the Holm family says about her: "This is Leslie Smith. The supervisor of all the social workers. Another liar. Creates false flags to make us not see our son anymore. Lies to attorneys. Lies to everyone and then runs to all the police officers acting like we are dangerous. All to build a case against us. She is a master manipulator. And also made the decision to allow Stacy Jackson to kidnap our son after Stacy Jackson said she had to call her to answer our question about "what is the most simple way we can live without being harassed by the state" stacy said she had to call her supervisor ^^^leslie smith and she would let us know. 30 minutes later she stacy came back with law enforcement and rachel kidnapped baby and handed to stacy. In my view, the only reason these slugs would lie is if they are making a ton of money on these babies. Imagine, the stealing of babies is a cash cow. But there's no other reason for it, at least one that I can understand.

Again, on the right is Allison Miller, the so-called attorney for the baby. Imagine, a baby that needs an attorney. This is what the Holm family said about her: "Allison miller. Our sons "attorney" who continues to not give a crap about him being abused by the state and not us. She pushed for him to be away from us." The attorneys are the worst kind of crooks money can buy. Incidently, Christian and Danielle, went to the Attorney General's office to try to get some help, and they called him back and said that his office did not have "jurisdiction." If the government doesn't want to help someone, they always say that they don't have jurisdiction. Using attorneys is a complete waste of time and the court system is so trashed that it isn't good for anything. The people need to learn how to shift the burden of proof as it is the only thing that I think works, and even then, it is hit or miss because the courts are like skin-diving in a cesspool.

Melody Brooks Walker
This was the first judge who recused herself but failed to give the child back. When a defendant asks for the facts as to probable cause, these judges dummy-up because they know there is no probable cause.

Tony Hamlin
" Tony Hamlin.... DHR attorney who knows exactly what is going on but still goes along with DHR lies and covers for them."
Jonathan Fordham
From Christian: "Jonathan Fordham juvenile probation officer at Cleburne County Courthouse who approved false accusations on a petition and signed off saying there was enough "probable cause" to steal our child. This was signed AFTER they kidnapped him." For those of you who think all of this is a bunch of nonsense, I've seen things like "sanitizing" courtroom transcripts, withholding favorable evidence for the defendant, and using extortion techniques to get what they want.

Carrie Martin
"Carrie Martin. Petitioner who went to Jonathan Fordham and filed false hearsay information without ever meeting us after they already kidnapped our son, in order to get a pick up order from Melody Brooks Walker after it already happened.
Supposedly. Even though the pick up order was stamped and the judge was not even there at the time"
In any type of legal system, the defendant must always have the opportunity to defend himself and it is up the the accuser to provide the evidence of any wrong doing. Obviously, they aren't impressed with their own laws. This kind of activity is going to destroy society as we know it.
The Holm family has also gone to both Calhoun and Cleburne county sheriffs and they say that they cannot do anything for them. The attorney general of Alabama says he doesn't have jurisdiction, and they even went to the governors office and he was recently arrested for child abuse. Are you people of Alabama going to tolerate this crap? Do you people see a pattern here? The evil is unspeakable and the tolerance of the evil is unbearable. The government is a predatory operation and it has nothing to do with freedom, it is a slave-trading organization that should be abolished. Both Christian and Danielle need to have their baby returned to them. If these people are allowed to continue this evil there will be no future for anyone.
If you want to help the Holm family financially, you may do so at https://www.paypal.me/christianholm They are working night and day to get their son back. Last night, they were walking near the White House and they met a Secret Service agent. They were asking him how this could happen. The Secret Service agent said: "They can't do that." Well, they did that and we should have to live in a banana republic. They are coming after the children; will yours be next?
Free Baby Holm
Free Baby Holm Part 2
Free Baby Holm Part 3
Free Baby Holm Part 4
Free Baby Holm Part 5
Free Baby Holm Part 6
Free Baby Holm Part 7
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Walter Allen Thompson has a new book called Natural Law: The True Supreme Law of the Land
Free Baby Holm
Free Baby Holm Part 2
Free Baby Holm Part 3
Free Baby Holm Part 4
Free Baby Holm Part 5
Free Baby Holm Part 6
Free Baby Holm Part 7
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Walter Allen Thompson has a new book called Natural Law: The True Supreme Law of the Land