Wednesday, February 7, 2024

The Nature of Natural Law


The Nature of Natural Law

“Natural law absolutely prevails, indignity over customs and constitutions. Whatever has been recognized by usage, or laid down in writing, if it contradicts natural law, the comment must be considered null and void.”  

Author unknown

Walter Allen Thompson has a book called:Natural Law: The True Supreme Law of the Land

#naturallaws #naturalorder 


Monday, February 5, 2024

Is Government a Necessary Evil?


Is Government a Necessary Evil?

The concept of "necessary evil" is an idea that must be thoroughly rejected. Evil is not necessary, and to accept it as such is to perpetuate it. Evil must be opposed, rejected, and avoided at all costs. It should never be viewed as something that we must unavoidably and inevitably participate.

There is an old saying that government is a necessary evil. Since when is evil necessary?  Because if it is evil, then nothing good will come from it.  Mankind, through thousands of years, has subjected the people to various forms of governments which have done massive damage to any thought of a peaceful society.  It is the governments, combined with religions, which start all of the wars. 

Without the government, who would start the wars?  Most groups of people could not afford a military, but with the power of taxation that the government allows itself, they can make  hideous forms of weaponry using other peoples' money.

A perfect bad example of this is the war and conflict in the Middle East.  Thousands upon thousands of innocent people are being killed because of religious and political conflict.  These wars don’t appear to have any justification.  These wars are evil and they are not necessary.  And look at the fighting between the Ukraine and Russia.  These are supposed to be mostly “Christian” nations and they are bombing the shit out of each other.  This is the bad result of the “necessary evil.”

Evil operates outside the natural order which the real God created.  When governments use the communist political system and the religions use their doctrines based on Judaism, there is going to me eternal misery and problems.  Remember, Christianity and Islam are both founded in some part on Judaism.  If Judaism is demonic then so are the rest of the religions who put their doctrines on a Jewish foundation.

The only way I know to fix this is for truth, virtue,  and morality to become the standard of life for all of mankind.  We can see all through written history, that governments are almost completely immoral.  Religions are immoral because they teach lies and deceit and then the bad results become manifest.

Mankind should never hand over important moral decisions to anyone in government or religion.  To do that is to be a continual slave to their bad decisions.

The primary immoral acts they do is to lie.  It seems as thought everything I learned over the years has been a big lie.  Yes, they do tell the truth sometimes, but it is only to make the lie more credible.  But we make bad decisions based on these lies.  Everyone in any kind of authority should always be questioned and the people should make sure the moral authority is in line with the natural law or natural order which the real God created.  That would solve a lot of problems.

Walter Allen Thompson has a book called:Natural Law: The True Supreme Law of the Land

#naturallaws #naturalorder #necessaryevil
