Monday, January 30, 2023

No Such Thing as a New World Order


No Such Thing as a New World Order

I recently wrote an article on how the new world order is collapsing.  But when I thought about it more, it seems to me that there is no such thing as a new world order.  The new world order can never overthrow the natural world order.  Sure, it may make a mess of things for awhile, but the natural order can never be defeated.  The natural order is what it is and it can never be changed.  Our understanding of it may change from time to time but the facts show that the natural order lives on.

Only a perverted idiot will believe in the new world order.  The whole idea of it comes from conscious evil and nothing good comes from it.  And there’s no reason for anyone to accept any of it because all that will do is to perpetuate more trouble and chaos.

Everything within this stupid idea of the new world order is malicious to the people.  Most governments are communist, socialists, or fascist.  The religions have a different doctrine about the nature of God which we don’t really know for sure.  These religions lie about the nature of God.  I believe in the real God but I don’t know much about him.  My evidence for believing is based on the observation of the creation.  That I can see for myself.  It could not have been produced by a “big bang.”

Science and medicine have become mostly discredited since their theories are mostly unintelligent and lack the facts for support.

But my main point is that there is no such thing as the “new world order” and there never will be.  The idea of it was feculent from the beginning.  People who follow such beliefs are doomed for failure; and that’s a good thing.


The New World Order is Collapsing

Walter Allen Thompson has a book called Natural Law: The True Supreme Law of the Land




  1. A Jew kills an economy, then extracts the remains. And when there's nothing left to take, he moves on to the next Gentile nation and starts over. This has been his tactic since the first Kike's hooked nose filled with air and he wondered if he could charge for it.

    Jews are the first to yell racism at Gentiles, but have you ever noticed that almost all Jews have that same ugly hooked nose? Even their females? That comes from racial inbreeding over long centuries. In other words, Jews are the most racist race on the planet, and the proof is right under their noses! The next time you hear a kike say that shit to you, he points to his big hooked nose and asks why all the Jews have it. He'll shut up in a second. Remember

    ; Jews are hypocrites first and foremost. They lie and cheat for a living, and absolutely nothing a Jew says should be listened to. never _ If he says the sun has risen, he goes to check it.

    Modern history is twisted. I realize that most Americans, even those over 40, have a hard time believing that. But even before political correctness took over our history books, they had already been horribly mutilated by the Jews of this country and their Jewish-hugging pro-Zionist allies.

    The Jews are a criminal people, they mutilate their children, they are murderers, criminals, thieves, liars, bastards. They invented the Holocaust, there is not a word of truth in it. They are the worst liars and bastards. And now, what goes around comes around, they're finally getting it back. Praise God... Hallelujah, this is a wonderful day. Fuck the United States. Cry, crybabies! Shout you bastards! Now your time is coming!

    1. No lies detected. :LOL:
