Saturday, August 5, 2023

Is Everything a Lie?

 Is Everything a Lie?

Just like other evil deeds, lying always gets bad results.  When people hear a lie, they may not know the difference between the truth and the lie.  If they take action on the lie, or they believe the lie, then they will always get bad results and have their time wasted.

The natural order is always in truth; there is no lie in the natural order.  Nature isn’t there to deceive us; whereas, liars do for their own evil purposes.  If the issue reflects the natural order then it is worth our time.  When I see or read something, I’m always asking myself whether it is true or false.  If I  can’t tell the difference, I set it aside until I get the understanding.

Lately, with all of the nonsense associated with Covid-19 we can see that scientists and doctors have lied to the public and continue to do so.  This is the one area of life that I didn’t expect  doctors could be so evil.

The lie destroys everything in its path.  It does no good for anyone, even the liar himself.  To lie is to destroy the life that the real God intended which would also keep us all within the boundaries of the natural order.  

Many years ago, someone asked me: “Is everything a lie?”  Obviously, the answer is no but there is a lot of false information to which we have been exposed.  Many times, the lie is clothed in the truth to make it look valid.  However, we should always keep a skeptical outlook and look for the traps.

In my younger years, I used to be a musician.  If I  accidentally played a note or a chord in the wrong key, it would sound like shit and everyone would know who did it.  Liars and evil people are like musicians who play in the wrong key.  It will always sound like shit and they always produce a shitty result.  Most government and religious people are like the bad musicians in an orchestra.  They are playing outside of the natural order and their lies distort the reality around them.

The best way to overcome the liars is to ask yourself whether something is true or is it false.  If I can’t prove it without question, then the issue should be discarded or put aside until more information is available.  Does the government have the authority to override the natural order?  Of course it does not.  No government or religion has any authority over anyone when it comes to the natural order.  And they can’t change the natural order to suit their purposes.

Government liars are like the musicians who play out of key in an orchestra.  Religious liars are the same way.  And of course the big pack of lies occurs in writings and videos.  Sometimes it is hard to tell if there is any truth in what they are saying.  We have to get the facts straight before coming to any judgment.  If we don’t have the facts, then maybe everything is a lie.  Our thoughts should be grounded in reality and not other peoples’ opinions.

While I still believe in the real God, I do not think any religion is valid because they don’t have any facts that show that their God is the real thing.  When I was a Christian, I used the Bible as my foundation for evidence of the existence of God.  However, my true understanding comes from the natural order by observation of the beauty of this world and the complexity of it all.  The Bible is simply a manmade document that may or may not be true.  Part of it may be true and then other parts not.  And given all the lies we have seen recently, I don’t trust anything that is written unless it is confirmed by right reason and common sense.  All of the religions allowed the genocide of the recent Covid vaccines to infect the people and many died or because severely compromised.  The religious leaders have been gutless miscreants with few exceptions.  

The best disciplinarian for us our conscience and the knowledge that if we do good, we’ll receive good in return.  If we do bad, then we will get paid back for our evil deeds.

The easiest way to find the truth is to ask the question: What facts do I have to show that XXXXX is true?  This is going to be the most useful tool to have when attempting to get to the truth.  The anchor of life is in the truth.

Everything that I have learned is now being questioned in my own mind.  It is a fresh start to having accurate knowledge.  Things that are lies are worthless and they are of no value.  

Walter Allen Thompson has a book called Natural Law: The True Supreme Law of the Land


#natural law #natural order #reason #government #religion #lies


  1. Imagine a world free from the insane Judeo religions…

    Without Judaism there would be no Catholicism, Christianity or Muslims religions, we wouldn’t be looking in the Bible for truth

    without Jews there would be no hate filled religion, no supremacy mentality, no apocalyptic vision of end times, no Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

    there would be no Mormons or Joseph Smith or gold plates or september dawn

    there’d be no Pat Robertson or 700 Club, no TV evangelists or Christian Zionist psychopathic traitors

    John Hagee couldn’t exist without the Jews

    without Jews, dazed Americans wouldn’t be willing to have their kids slaughtered in foreign wars for the profiteering and warmongering Jewish led neoconservative movement

    without Jews there could be no Zionists, no concrete walls in Palestine, no Zio-Nazis killing Palestinians in the “holy land”

    there’d be no pilgrimages to the Holy Land, or looking for god in a stone wall

    there would have been no slave ships, no extermination of the native Americans, the continent would not be raped, water polluted or coast to coast industrial J.P. Morgan hellhole

    without Jews the earth would be considered holy, not a place to exploit for profit, not a gift from a imagined god given only to the Jew

    there would be no abomination state of Is-a-hell, no Balfour Declaration, no World War 1

    without Jews the bombing of the USS Liberty wouldn’t have happened, no Waco or Ruby Ridge and FBI chief wouldn’t of been a Jew

    without Jews there would be no Jehovah Witnesses knocking on the door, or “end times” street preachers yelling we’re doomed

    without Jews there would be no rabid preachers spewing Old Testament filth and demanding loyalty to an angry judgemental Jew god, there would be no salvation, no bloody Jesus hanging on a cross for sinners, there would be nothing to repent for, everyone would be born ok the first time, and we wouldn’t practice cultic bodily mutilation

    without Jews there would be no Jew owned banks, no inflation, no loafs of bread that cost $5

    without Jews, the Pentagon couldn’t bribe Hollywood to make propaganda films like “Pearl Harbor” or “Black Hawk Down”

    without Jews, there would be no Synagogues, or Temples, or ritual sacrifices, or red cows killed to appease the angry sky god

    without Jews there would be no AIPAC lobby buying off The Congress, no JINSA, no Lieberman, no imaginary global warming or carbon tax, and Al Gore wouldn’t of gotten a Nobel Peace prize

    without Jews, Dubya wouldn’t have been President, 9112001 wouldn’t have happened, there’d be no War of Terror, no Iraq War, no depleted uranium, no deformed babies

    without Jews there would be no Pope wearing a big phallic shaped hat, no going to Rome to get audience with god, in fact we wouldn’t care what god thinks or seek his permission

    without Jews there would have been no 911, no Gitmo, no extraditions, no violations of the Geneva Convention

    without Jews, there would be no paid Jew radio protagonists like Michael Weiner or his vision of a Savage Nation, no fascist Jerry Doyle rants, or goy stooges like Rush Dumbo or Bill O’Reilly foaming at the mouth like rabid dogs

  2. without Jews there would be no Ayatollah or Osama, there would be no wars in the Middle East

    without Jews the world wouldn’t be a carved up for exploitation, the world bankers wouldn’t be all Jews, we wouldn’t be reading about the Jew crooks on Wall Street

    without Jews there would be no Texas super corridor, no NAFTA, no World Bank, no IMF, no subversion of the Constitution for the Jew bankers

    Alex Jones and wouldn’t be talking about “the globalists”, David Icke wouldn’t be writing about “the lizard people”, we wouldn’t be chasing the shadows of the beast and nor would we tiptoe around Jewish subversion afraid of being labeled antisemitic

    without Jews there would be no debt based money, no inflation, no wild real estate, commodity, or stock speculation, houses would be homes not speculative vehicles to beat inflation

    without Jews there would be no monetary bubbles, and no economic crashes, no FEMA camps, and no upcoming Homeland Security terror

    without the Jews, we wouldn’t butcher nature, clear cut whole forests to pay debt with interest, we wouldn’t need credit cards to buy food, or pay zillions of “dollars” for “homes” we could of build ourselves outside of the Jewish legal code

    without the parasitic Jews, America wouldn’t be a bankrupt, exploited, and destroyed country with confused and terrorized citizens

    without Jews we would be happy productive people, living in peace and harmony


  3. You believe and promulgate that the anti-Christ "jew"* formed the basis of Christianity. You are in effect saying that the Creator is the Destroyer.

    You are part of the problem and not the solution.


    1. I don’t think that the “Creator is the Destroyer.” I don’t have any faith in the religions…..none of them. You are assuming that your bible contains the facts. That’s were the problems lie. We have no facts that any of it is true unless we can use right reason and common sense. I believe in the real God but I don’t know any more about him than anyone else. The evidence for his existence is in nature itself.

    2. It does not seem strange to you that all this case only comes from human beings, nor in animals, insects, fish, you see religions, you see that they worship deities, there are no governments, there are no invented laws, all this only comes from human beings for that nobody knows but if you look closely at history it is always the same pattern of destruction of a civilization

  4. Jesus Christ does not exist, you do not have real evidence to defend him. Also, if he existed, why did he not write the Bible and we would avoid so much confusion because he left it to evil third parties as part of the destruction of society, all religions have served to enslave and kill innocent people
