Thursday, April 13, 2023

Old Men’s Wars Update

 Old Men’s Wars Update

Updated from September 2012

I was reading an article on Henry Makow's site about how most wars are staged by the Illuminati.  The article goes into great detail about the ins and outs of military intelligence (or lack thereof) and it is an interesting part of history.  I too believe that these wars were staged, but there is a bigger question that ran through my mind.  I've been an advocate of God's commandments and the article brought up a question in my mind.  How does any man justify the killing of another upon the order of yet another man?  How does that work in God's natural order?  By what authority does a man order the death of another?

Thou shalt not kill.....

     I understand the word kill to mean murder.  If a man joins the military, he is sworn (breaks another commandment) to follow the orders of another man.  Anyone who has joined the military when they were young men may never have asked themselves this question, but I'm sure after combat, they probably have: Am I committing murder under the eyes of God?  Am I doing bad things?  Then the next question would be: Am I willing to kill someone based upon the orders of a political figure?  Will God punish me for killing people?  I know when I faced the draft during the Viet Nam war, I asked myself questions like these and I wonder how I would react if put in a combat situation.  I never had to find out, but a lot of my friends did.  Some died very horrible deaths and I wondered if it was worth the price.  My mom cried just at the thought of me going to war, and many other mothers had their hearts ripped out of them because their sons died fighting old men's wars.

Who are these Old Men?

     Frankly, I don't think the conspiracy historians haven’t even scratched the surface of these vile men.  Sure, they are Illuminati, and they are also your political and religious leaders.  These old men stand in front of young men as gods and instruct them in the black art of murder.  And it doesn't matter what war and when, all of these wars appear to me to be a direct offense to God and his natural order of life.  Men were not created to murder other men.  However, the goal of the New World Order crowd is to promote death and destruction; and make a lot of money from it.  These old men usually don't put their own children in the front line, but expect other parents to "sacrifice" their children as if they were worshipping Molech.  Not only do they "sacrifice" their children, they are made to feel patriotic about it.  But I'll bet you that if you asked any of them, especially now, if it was worth it, I would be that the answer would be a resounding “no.”  And what about all of the religious crusades, with the modern religious wars too ugly to describe?  If the intent is to thin out the young men in a population, then I suppose it is working.  But killing off young people weakens any nation.  And any nation or religious who violates God's commandments without repentance,  are going to be complete failures.

What if Nobody Showed Up to the Old Men's Wars?

     What if the young men finally told the old men to shove it?  If the old men want to fight, let them do it to themselves, but leave the young people alone.  They have lives ahead of them.  The old men have one foot in the grave; maybe they want more company in it.  But God gave us all our lives to live in peace with each other with the commandments as our spiritual and moral anchor.  I know, there I go again with the commandments.  But the reality of life is that we are supposed to keep them, and not killing each other is one of them.  And what's with these young Arab men strapping bombs to themselves and blowing up people?  The insanity of it is overwhelming.  Why don't they just tell their old men to go blow themselves up if that's what they want to do, but to leave the young people alone to get married and have families?  There should be never any respect for any leader who does not abide in God's commandments.

Politics and Religion is a Blood Game

     Politics and religion are the vehicles which drive the engines of war, war, and more war.  Who needs the state if it is going to be so destructive?  Who wants to stand before God with blood on their hands?  Who wants to go to hell for killing someone in old men's wars?  In my view, there is not one political or religion that is worth the drop of one man's blood.

Counting the Cost

     The old men don't count the cost because it doesn't cost them anything; until they die, then they go to hell (if it exists) if they didn't repent.  But a young man has a future of living a prosperous life without old men's wars.  "Thou shalt not kill" means exactly what it says and it is a commandment that needs to be obeyed by the old and young men.  These staged wars do nothing but promote a system of government that is intrinsically idiotic and evil.

     And the question to be asked is this: How is anyone going to bear the burden of guilt from all these killings?  My father-in-law was a World War II vet who survived 5 amphibious landings, and a series of dangerous operations.  He was one of those guys who would crawl down the holes to find Japanese soldiers.  Just before his death, he showed me a photograph (in black and white) of a dead Japanese soldier.  He had the man's wallet, the picture of his children, and his family.  It was obvious that he felt guilty for the death of this soldier.  He had killed that soldier.  My father-in-law was one crusty old fart, but he was a very tender-hearted man when the issue was important.  He felt bad about taking the life of a Japanese soldier; even in the heat of battle.  I had a lot of respect for him because of it.

     What is important to understand that there is not one political or religious system that is worth one drop of a man's blood.  God gave us all a nice place to live and that's what we should be doing.  But we need to pay attention to the commandments because they are our moral anchor.  The commandments and the natural laws allow for everything to work within the natural order; God's World Order.

     All men, women, and children were created by the same God, and we are not allowed to break the commandments.  I honor the real God who created me and so it is important for all of us to do that and our lives will become much better.  We would be better off ignoring the evil of current political and religious systems and simply abide by God's natural law.  Only in the real God's law is there security and safety.


Veteran's Day Requires a Rethink: by Henry Makow

Walter Allen Thompson has a book called Natural Law: The True Supreme Law of the Land





  1. My take is that the Tower of Babel II can only be erected upon "foundational" or blood sacrifice of babies and Christians, which is in total contradistinction to the blood sacrifice God made of Himself 2.000+/- years ago.
    In other words: continuing "legal" blood sacrifice and canni-baal-ism is entirely anti-christ. But that's what it takes to "raise Cain", for the re-manifestion of satan in the flesh on the earth, coming soon to the world theater near us all.
    Consider the shed blood of Christian martyrs down through the ages and the advancement of "science" and "tech-know logy" and you will realize the connection.* And also, the deranged slaughter of infants in the womb, which is called "women's health care" and "planned parenthood".
    God cleansed the earth of the filth of the Tower of Babel I and He will destroy the Tower of Babel II by fire. But first, the measure of man's iniquity must be filled up, and that requires some doing - or undoing, godlessness and lawlessness on a massive scale.
    That's all in the Bible, for those who have eyes to see and a mind bent on understanding the truth of reality.

    *"renaissance", "englightenment", "age of reason", "Industrial Revolution", "aviation" and the 2 world wars.

    1. Christianity has roots from Judaism. The word God was written by Jews. Also, how can you verify with real facts, in what truth did that happen? jews always make human sacrifices for their god, jesus christ is the same deity from the old testament you can't change the nature that is mentioned

    2. all the wars and revolutions were financed by jews all this is because of the psychopaths who wield power who are jews

    3. Differentiate between "jews" who are Esau and Hebrews who are Jacob-Israel and the reality of history will open itself up to you.

    4. As always, Christians turn everything where, he says there is a difference, they are Jews, they are the only people and race that has existed for more than 5,000 years, their customs and religion are maintained to date while the other civilizations have lost all their architecture and knowledge and forgotten

  2. Also: I have been reading about the Christians martyred in the 15th and 16th centuries. Invariably, the question arises: on whose or what kind of authority did men (and women) have other men, women, young people and infants tortured, burned at the stake, beheaded and drowned? On the authority of the presiding pope and the king of the land. It mattered not if the king or queen was catholic or protestant, as both of these re-legions are secretly based on the Babylonian talmud, which is the inspired word of satan to his minions.

    1. false Christianity only served to create conflicts and wars in the name of god no religion represents the true God of this world Use logic in the animal kingdom no animal opts for a religion. they act under natural law

    2. "false christianity" is Catholicism, which is Talmudic-Judaism. Only in the Creator and Messiah can one experience truth and reality because he is reality and truth.
      Rebelling against reality and truth leads to confusion, which is reflected in your conflated thinking.
      God is reality and not religion. Religion is rebellion against the Most High. Animals accept reality, mankind does not.

    3. What about the crimes of Christianity in the name of God?
      How do you explain that in the old testament an evil and psychopathic god is narrated and in the new testament that same god is love and justice where that is reflected in this world?

    4. No, the heart of Christianity is Jesus Christ, a deity that we will never know exists, a deity that only speaks to his chosen ones, the Jews?

    5. When have you seen that in the animal kingdom they worship Jesus Christ o Satan?
      When you see them make statues or churches when they get out of the natural order?
      but instead humanity must be guided by a book that was written by the same jews who manipulate us so much that there must be 10 different versions. The worst thing about this is that they are recreating the book of apocalypse making it look like the will of god

    6. God the Creator and Messiah is not evil and I do not have to "explain" Him. You are made in His Image and He will explain Himself to you, if you humble yourself and repent and begin to believe the truth.
      The prophets wrote of the "lying pens of the scribes" - you must learn to discern good from evil and stop calling evil good. Woe to you.
      As I said above Catholicism is talmudic serpent whoreship and not "Christianity". Why do talmudic catholics murder Christians and slaughter babies in and outside of the womb? Because they whoreship the serpent, who is strictly anti-Christ, meaning that he rejects his need to submit to the authority of God Almighty. This is explained in the Bible, which can only open itself up to you if you repent and submit to Ultimate Authority, who gave you the breath of life. And He will take it away one day. He is well beyond your resistance.
      That God the Creator and Messiah "is love" is a lie. You must consider the whole Counsel of God, which cannot be done until you repent. God is the Law. He is Righteousness and the Judge.
      As I said before and as the Bible and reality testifies, "jews" are Esau and Esau whoreships the serpent through kaballah - Kaan-Baal-Allah. Messiah called the edomite talmudic "jews" the synagogue of satan. But you do not read, you simply tout what you have heard, which takes a lot less effort and brains.
      Animals are authentic and live in the moment, mankind lives in a world of make-believe and rebells against nature. If you can´t see it, you need to first repent and then pray for "eye salve" and while you´re at it, for ears to hear and a clean heart, cleansed from pride.
      Animals surrender to death and bend their will to this great law of God, that before resurrection, comes death. Mankind resists and debases himself in the process. Man who rejects God and His Laws becomes more stupid than a beast. Animals do not stoop to such behavior.
      Besides, God does not insist upon altars and sacrifices. If you read the Word, you would discern this truth. But you either cannot read or are satisfied with parroting the destitute, which if of course your choice.
      Mankind is not "guided by a book" but rather by the commandments that are implanted within our heart and mind, which are the Word of God, in whose image we are made. Mankind in his zeal to omit the Almighty, who gave us 10 commandments, has made up hundreds if not thousands of "statutes" to enslave mankind. God will make you free, humanism is a trap and a snare.
      The wonderful thing is that every eye shall behold Him and every knee shall bow when He comes in Wrath and then, if you dare, you can begin to question God and whether or not He is real.

      "Then Job answered and said, I know it is so of a truth: but how should man be just with God?If he will contend with him, he cannot answer him one of a thousand. He is wise in heart, and mighty in strength: who hath hardened himself against him, and hath prospered?" (Job 9)

    7. AnonymousMay 01, 2023

      Jesus and satan are the same entity, you may not see the kabbalistic symbols, also how can you verify that Jesus Christ really exists? If it exists, why does it not help the poor, why does it not help the disabled, what can you tell me about how it tolerates the evil we are experiencing today, perhaps the 2020 pandemic was not enough for it, it was all a hoax and a lot of people died people until when will you come??

    8. AnonymousMay 01, 2023

      no era jesus el mesias de los judios??? no todos los profetas y apostoles eran judios??? ¿Y el Antiguo Testamento, por qué lo omiten? ¿Cómo es posible que este dios psicópata ahora sea amor y bondad en el Nuevo Testamento? no jesus dijo cumplir la ley de los judios y profetas

    9. AnonymousMay 01, 2023

      Have you read this blog and what natural law is about and how do animals stay in the natural order why they don't act in the same stupid way that humans do? Have you read the articles about what false religions are about? they do not represent the god who created us
