Monday, February 21, 2022

Should Anyone Trust the Science?


When I’m discussing the pros and cons of vaccines I will sometimes get a response such as: “I trust the science.”  However, science is only as good as to the extent that it reflects the truth or at least have a reasonable theory which deserves more discovery.  In the case of vaccines, we can see how the influence of the pharmaceutical industry clouds the facts and promotes unreasonable policies for medical treatments.

Trusting the science is only as good as the truth that it reflects.  It is impossible to justify vaccines on a disease like Covid-19 which apparently has a survival rate of approximately 99.75%.  With all of the mask wearing, lockdowns, and other disruptions the idea of trusting the science is insanely stupid.

Who benefits from the idiocy?  Of course it is the companies who manufacture the drugs but the cost to society is horrific.  That along with the few “elite” people who inflict their insanity on the people of the world.

When examining scientific evidence, most of us don’t have a clue whether it is true or false.  Which makes it more difficult to justify.  In order to make intelligent decisions one should at least have a mental checklist before doing anything:
  • Is it true or is it false?
  • Is it good or is it evil?
  • How would this science apply to me?
  • What facts do the scientists have that show their views are true?
  • How did they arrive at their conclusions?
  • Who benefits?
  • Why would their conclusions be of any benefit?
All of the facts must be true or the veracity of the idea will be in question.  If the information contradicts itself then there is a problem.  Remember, no course of action can have a good outcome unless it is true.  If the facts are inconclusive then it should be put aside until a proper understanding comes along.  

The medical community and scientists have lost a lot of credibility by “trusting the science” during the Covid 19 fiasco.  In my view, I have a difficult time believing any doctor; even if they seem to be competent.  Science can be used as a tool of sorcery and witchcraft when it is filled with inaccuricies and unproven theories.  Trusting the science is extremely dangerous if their conclusions or theories are not backed up by the facts.

Here’s a link that shows what can happen when “trusting the science.”

Walter Allen Thompson is the author of Natural Law:Supreme Law of the Land


  1. They say "trust the science" as in "if you don't believe us you are unreasonable".

  2. Just look at how different people were even 40 years ago. Kids weren't unhealthy like they are today. You'd be hard pressed to find a single child in school nowadays that isn't at least on one HARMaceutical medication. Yet, the parents and other people blindly trust the "experts"!
    The brainwashing companies that masquerade as public "schools" today have successfully trained the dumbed down masses to just believe what the television utters. Rockefeller was possessed by devils, but he knew to grab ahold of the public 'education' system with all 8 tentacles! Most screeching teachers are robots. People are not taught HOW to think, just obey.
    The "science" people cling to, the religion of scientism is not true science. It's agenda driven by evil luciferians who wish to kill off humanity. They think they are 'gods'. They are under a great delusion, and they propagate that delusion via their total control of the media.
    Most people just believe that since an MD (mentally deranged) has 8 plus years of schooling, they magically know it all. But, if anyone wakes up to reality, they will see how SICK PEOPLE ARE! They are not healthy, despite wasting billions on sick "care".
    Almost all doctors (I know there are exceptions) are brainwashed. They know NOTHING about nutrition! Dr. Stare was paid off by the "food" companies to start the low fat/cholesterol myth. Just try to find real food out there in a typical multinational store today. It's almost impossible! People are thankfully waking up and buying local. However, the medical industrial establishments (AHA, AMA, ADA, et al) are still parroting the same lies about eating: be a vegan, be healthy. Avoid red meat and fat. Look at how FAT people are, they eat sugar, candy, etc by the metric TON. I thank God that he showed me about the Weston A Price foundation. They saved my health! They did what my deceased mother's rheumatologist could not do- they got rif of my RA! No rheumatologist can ever claim to do that, at least not any allopathic doctor. My mom suffered for decades and decades, the only 'relief' she got (and it wasn't much) was when she took Darvon. Even that didn't help all the time.
    But, as you have said in one of your previous articles, there is no money in cures. That would ruin their entire plan to destroy humanity. It's a silent war. Anything truly healthy out there, they suppress it. Anything toxic, they promote it.
    It's the way of the world, and we know who's temporarily running the show.
