Friday, June 16, 2023

War and Christianity


War and Christianity

I have always been opposed to any kind of war unless it is used in self-defense.  War is the worst way to settle any differences and to participate in such a thing is so stupid and evil that it boggles my mind.  Just watching a few videos of the carnage on the internet absolutely churns my stomach.  In fact, the European side of WW1 and WW2 were among “Christian” nations.  And as of this writing, we have a war between the Ukraine and Russia for whatever reasons, and the majority of each population is “Christian.”  Go figure.

I have been studying philosophy lately, and I found some interesting quotes from Voltaire:

“War is the greatest of all crimes; and yet there is no aggressor who does not color his crime with the pretext of justice. “ ——-Voltaire

The aggressor always has some kind of excuse to attack another nation.  And none of it is for a good reason other than to destroy mankind so that they can take control.  All governments as of this writing in my view, are nothing more than slave states with little to no benefit for the general population.  The “powers that be” are also the losers but they just don’t realize it yet.  Look at their behavior and that will tell the story about who they really are.  This is why the natural order or natural law is so useful because it accurately points out the good and the bad.

“Christianity, is the most ridiculous, the most absurd and bloody religion that has ever infected the world. “———Voltaire

Many people call Judaism a satanic cult or of the occult But they forget or don’t realize that Christianity is critically built upon it.  Every church that I attended twisted the Bible to  their own perspective.  It drove me nuts and I finally just had to give it up because I don’t like having my mind manipulated.  The Bible has many versions and it would be impossible for it to be the complete word of God.  It could be a false God but not the one who created everything.  I’m to the point to where I think the Bible is disclosure rather than a foundation built on the truth of the real God.  I’m more of a deist now.  I believe in the real God.  Beyond that, I don’t know all of the answers but religion has more confusion than answers.  The comment about “bloody religion” seems to be more realistic.  

“Of all religions, Christians should of course inspire the most tolerance, but until now, Christians have been the most intolerant of all men.” —————-Voltaire

Christians appear to be loving and moral but the problem is that if it is false, it will never get a good result.

“For seventeen hundred years the Christian sect has done nothing but harm.” —————Voltaire

Voltaire lived from 1694-1778 and 245 years later, we still have “Christian” nations killing each other in useless wars.

“The Jews are of all peoples the grosses, the most ferocious, the most fanatical, and the most absurd.” ——-Voltaire

If Judaism is a satanic cult, then the above comment seems to be true.  There are many Jews within the governments of the world who are making crack-brain decisions that are not good for anyone.  But again, Christianity is built on Judaism and perhaps this is why Christians don’t object much to the communist nonsense we all have to put up with.

“To make a vow for life is to make oneself a slave.” ———-Voltaire

Taking vows or swearing oaths is very damaging to having a good life.  Maybe these wedding vows people take are destroying marriages.  It would be easier for the couple to simply declare the status of husband and wife and get going with their lives.  Vows are like “binding your soul with a bond.”  I believe that swearing oaths is a form of lying and they produce nothing but evil.  Any group or organization that are built on oaths are going to fail.  We’re starting to see that now.

“The safest course is to do nothing against one’s own conscience, with this secret , we can enjoy life and have no fear from death.” —————Voltaire

This is an excellent instruction.  If any of us have a problem with our own conscience we should not do it.  All we have to do is to pay attention to it and our lives will be much better.  We should be using right reason and common sense along with being in agreement with our own conscience.

“What is not in nature can never be true.” ——-Voltaire

The natural order is in agreement with the real God who created everything.  We don’t need to read a lot of books as they can distort and confuse the mind.  In observing the natural law, we can get to know everything we need to know without being mislead.  Wars exist outside of nature and mankind wasn’t made to participate in such activities.  Any military should be for defensive purposes only and not the massacres that have happened over the centuries.

Walter Allen Thompson has a new book called Natural Law: The True Supreme Law of the Land



  1. AnonymousJune 18, 2023

    Well, first of all, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine is completely false, it is a false flag and the false flag is leading us to economic collapse since everything is to implement their new system of a single currency, all this started from the false pandemic.

    You say that they cannot go against the natural order, but clearly the idiots of the elite (Jews) are not going to stop their new world order, yes or yes, even if it is a self-destruction of this reality.

    Christianity and Jesus Christ is a worship of the sun god nimrod and his son tamuuz all the vatican worships the sun god and you see this throughout history the same patron and the same solar gods

    I wonder how long this will stop, I don't see an end to it, it will go on and on until it kills humanity, if God exists where he is, why are we so abandoned in this world?

  2. AnonymousJune 20, 2023

    Judaism is antithetical to Christianity. Judaism is serpent worship, based upon magical, wishful thinking. Worshipping the Creator and Messiah is based on reality. Thus your statement that "Christianity" is "critically based on Judaism" is false.
    WWI and WWII were satanic sacrifice rituals. The result was counterfeit "Israel", founded by "jews" on the blood of dead Christian soldiers who were slaughtered for that purpose.

    1. AnonymousJune 20, 2023

      and it was not thanks to the fact that hitler helped them create isreal that in the past archeologically did not exist and give way to the prophecies of the apocalypse if hitler was a character that the jews invented because there are people who praise him and venerate him as a God

  3. AnonymousJune 20, 2023

    Judaism is antithetical to Christianity, not the basis of it.
    If you seriously rejecting reading, why do you write, expecting to be read?

    1. AnonymousJune 20, 2023

      At what point is Christianity an antithesis despite the fact that murders have been committed in the name of Jesus Christ What the Old Testament says is to be taken lightly despite the fact that it narrates horrible things in that text that you tell me about the holy wars of the christianity of the holy inquisition of forcibly putting a religion

    2. AnonymousJune 20, 2023

      Jesus Christ was a rabbi, his disciples are also Jews, he is the messiah of the Jews. I don't understand why you support a god and a religion created by the same ones who control the world and its narrative

    3. AnonymousJune 21, 2023

      Jesus Christ was not a "jew". If the "jews" (Edomites) were His people, they would not have crucified Him.

    4. AnonymousJune 21, 2023

      Talmudic-Judaism is anti-Christ and therefore cannot be the basis of Christianity.

    5. AnonymousJune 21, 2023

      Could it possibly be that those who hate Christ, start wars? What about all of the Christian martyrs, tortured and slaughtered by "Catholics"? Catholics are not Christians, they worship "the Queen of Heaven".
      I know that you hate reading and do not recommend it, however, you might peruse "Blood Theatre, Martyrs´ Mirror" by Thieleman van Braght on archive dot org. Christians were butchered for coming out the "catholic church", for being baptised. Pregnant women, burned and drowned.

  4. AnonymousJune 22, 2023

    Evidently your highly touted "Voltaire" was a sodomite. "Voltaire accepted, nevertheless, when this friend asked about trying gay sex with him a second time, Voltaire is said to have remarked, "Once a philosopher, twice a sodomite!" Voltaire is also thought to have had a love-hate relationship with Frederick the Great."
    These are the most godless, lawless sort, and very sadistically violent too. They make the best soldiers I have heard due to their compulsive hatred.

  5. AnonymousJune 30, 2023

    The Ukraine conflict is a Hollywood production wargame. Anyone with real combat experience knows how hokey and fake the photos and videos in the media are. They Turned the page to the next Chapter in the playbook after the Covid hoax. 100's of billions of USA taxpayer dollars are going there not to fund a war but to fund the BRI and brand new infranstructure. People with desirable skill sets are being relocated there.

  6. AnonymousJune 30, 2023

    I agree. All media is based upon story-telling for mind control, as is "education", which is nothing other than mainstreaming mankind down the path of perdition. But, in order for satan to manifest (again) on the earth, there will be blood, conceivably in the form of civil war, which is always fomented via divide and conquer.

    1. AnonymousJuly 01, 2023

      satan does not exist, he is also an angel, he is not a demon or anything to do with the images that exist, satan is also like a form of thought and this can be seen and analyzed by satanists, it is an excuse to do any kind of degeneration or depravity that occurs to them and that is part of the evil nature of human beings

    2. AnonymousJuly 03, 2023

      "satan does not exist", "he is also an angel". Well, does he exist or not? You are confused.

  7. Yours is a very dumb blog, and it's been this way perennially for years and years -- I only know of it because your constant comments at henrymakow have been such a longstanding blot to that experience. I pray you gain a modicum of discernment toward the totality of what is happening, by whom, and why.

  8. Jesus is a Muslim while the faggot nations will claim they represent him. Jesus Christ will return to help the Muslims being attacked by nonbelievers from Europe, usa and its faggot allies. The buybull is full of shit written by Christ's enemies.

  9. Cool site
