Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Think for Yourself

 Think for Yourself

"Laziness and cowardice explain why so many men. . . remain under a life-long tutelage and why it is so easy for some men to set themselves up as the guardians of all the rest. . . If I have a book which understands for me, a pastor who has a conscience for me, a doctor who decides my diet, I need not trouble myself. If I am willing to pay, I need not think. Others will do it for me." ~ Immanuel Kant

All of us are finding out the hard way that the things that we understood to be true; are not.  It seems as though everything has been a lie.  And even if the truth is told, it must be consistent with the facts in order for it to be usable.

In the natural law and the natural order, anything is going to be right or wrong, good or bad, and the conclusion should be noted by everyone as the same.  If there is disagreement, then a search for the truth must begin.  Under the natural law, the truth is the same for everyone.  The solution to the idiocy of today is to uphold virtue and morality and discard the evil by using right reason and common sense.

The worse thing we can do is to let others think for us.  If we do, then it will lead to nothing but trouble.  The natural order is the same for everyone and we were born with the ability to think for ourselves.  The problem is that we haven’t used it as much as we should.

The natural law or natural order is the solution to the chaos we are seeing in today’s world.  There isn’t any problem that warrants the destruction of so many people.  In my view, just the thought of government and religion makes be sick because there is never any solution to a problem.  People need to work within the natural law and then stay with it.  It might seem like a daunting task but I don’t see a good future for mankind if he doesn’t use his ability to think and stay within the natural moral order.

All of us are finding out the hard way that the things that we understood to be true; are not.  It seems as though everything has been a lie.  And even if the truth is told, it must be consistent with the facts in order for it to be usable.  

In the natural law and the natural order, anything is going to be right or wrong, good or bad, and the conclusion should be noted by everyone as the same.  If there is disagreement, then a search for the truth must begin.  Under the natural law, the truth is the same for everyone.  The solution to the idiocy today is to uphold virtue and morality and discard the evil by using right reason and common sense.

The worse thing we can do is to let others think for us.  If we do, then it will lead to nothing but trouble.  The natural order is the same for everyone and we were born with the latent knowledge of right and wrong.  The disciplinarian is our conscience knowing that we will be paid back; good for good, bad for bad.  Working within the natural order will always get better results.

We don’t need to read volumes of book because they can distort our minds into filtering out the various types of information.  We need to learn how to properly think using right reason and common sense.  It is difficult to think when reading a book.

Walter Allen Thompson has a book called:Natural Law: The True Supreme Law of the Land

#naturallaws #naturalorder 


Saturday, January 13, 2024

More Notes on the Natural Law

More Notes on Natural Law

  1. Natural law applies to every man equally.  Regardless of  style of government, race, culture, or religion, it applies to everyone the same way.  
  2. Natural law is the existence of everything and it all works together for the benefit of mankind.
  3. The real God established it .
  4. Evil violates the natural law and any man can avoid evil-and the bad results that come from it-by staying within the boundaries of the natural law which are inherently good.
  5. Natural law is the supporting of good and the avoidance of evil.
  6. Under natural law evil always gets bad results.  Whereas, goodness and virtue get good results.
  7. Everyone is accountable for their own actions.  
  8. Bad government gets bad results.
  9. Bad religion gets bad results.
  10. Free will is the choosing between good and evil.
  11. Learning bad information is not education.
  12. Trying to fix something that has an evil foundation doesn’t work.  You can’t fix evil but it can be avoided or corrected.
  13. You can tell a tree by it’s fruit.
  14. Abiding in the natural law always gets good results
  15. Staying in the natural  law produces peace and happiness not attainable in the world of evil. Evil should be eliminated out of peoples’ lives.
  16. Evil always gets the pay back.  This should not be taken lightly.
  17. The Ten Commandments seem to fit in with the natural law perfectly. But the Bible has it’s problems in consistency of doctrines.  No writing is of any benefit unless it is true.
  18. Science is only as good as the truth it reflects.  If there’s a conflict between truth and untruth, then it is worthless until a truthful conclusion is obtained.
  19. Judge government and religion by the natural law.  If they don't agree, then there is no credibility or authority.  Government and religion corrupt the minds of mankind.
  20. Natural law works because mankind can choose between right and wrong by using right reason and common sense.  Good choices produce excellent results.  It makes life a lot easier to live and enjoy.
  21. If confronted with the choice between good and evil, the selection of good will always get the better result even though it may not look like it at first.
  22. Evil never produces anything good.
  23. Natural law contains the proper morality when a man stays within its boundaries.  It is important to think and use right reason to improve and live a happy life.
  24. Economic natural law would be a completely free economy with an honest money system.
  25. Fornication and adultery produce bad results. Sex provides for procreation which in turn the children are best raised by both the mother and the father when possible.  The responsible conduct would be to avoid intercourse until a marriage is agreed with a lifetime commitment.
  26. To abide in the natural law, the truth or the lie must be determined.  Then, the question of morality must be answered.  If it is true and moral, then it will get very good results.
  27. If the government is built on an evil foundation, then what it produces will be evil.
  28. Worshipping the wrong God is idolatry.  How does one know the real God?  Since we don’t know, then we should accept that we don’t know because the real God left us the natural order as a testimony to his existence.  I think we have a latent knowledge of the real God and it does not disappoint.  Religions have many different doctrines on God; which one is to believed?  Using the true knowledge of what is right and what is truthful is the best way to guide a man’s life.
  29. My whole mood changes to the better when thinking about the natural order of life.  This is really a good life.  However, I’m noticing that I’ll be more alone as a result because most people cannot relate to it.  They go about their daily routines without taking the time to think things through in a constructive way.

Walter Allen Thompson has a book called:Natural Law: The True Supreme Law of the Land

#naturallaw #naturalorder
