With all of the talk about a "new world order" lately, I have to laugh that some people can actually think that they can change the natural world order into something of their own agenda. I found a quote from Leonardo Di Vinci which says: “Nature never breaks her own laws.” Advocates of the “new world order” are pissing in the wind and they will never achieve their perverted goals. The people of the new world order are evil because they are immoral and their allegiance is to what some religious writings call the "Evil One." I believe there is conscious entity that goes directly against the natural world order of which the real God created. I use the term "real God" because I don't trust any religious document any longer. While some of them may have some good things to say, those good things are used to cover-up the evil. The natural world order is perfect and it is easy to use if men, women, and children use their own power of right reason and common sense to make important decisions. All of mankind is equipped with a latent knowledge of right and wrong; good and evil; making it relatively easy to make good decisions based upon the knowledge of good and evil, right and wrong, and between the truth and the lie.
Fixing Ourselves
In my opinion, I think it is best for us to concentrate on fixing ourselves by building better character and by using good moral principles. Formal groups can be dangerous because there are many people who will join them and then destroy the members with false doctrines. Instead of focusing on the character, people may spend more time constantly researching something to which the answer is already quite obvious. I think it is better for anyone to focus on building one’s own character based upon correct moral principles within nature. It is up to each man or woman to make the necessary changes which will make their lives much happier if those changes stay within the natural order. The good results of a moral lifestyle are so much better than suffering from the bad results of immorality. Payback, or karma, works both ways and the moral life will always get a better result. The motivation for fixing ourselves is to live a happier life which is produced by the good results of the application of proper morality. Again, right reason and common sense always come into play and it only makes sense to use them in order to live a happy life. We cannot rely on government and religion as we have seen in the past and present that they are founded on an evil foundation. They have no credibility and all we have to do is to observe their actions. If their actions are evil then there is no sense putting their information into your mind. We don’t need groups to make that happen, because there is always someone who will try to manipulate us onto the evil side.
Overcoming temptations to do evil
This is one of the most difficult problems because all of us can be drawn into evil if we don’t consciously fight the temptation. Is it good? Is it bad? Is it true? Is it false? Questions like these should always be asked before taking any action. If we are angry, it is always better to let the anger subside before taking any action. For me, just knowing that I will always get a bad result from engaging in evil is enough for me to take the better course. I wish I had learned this as a younger man but I suppose better late than never. When confronted with any kind of evil, we all should learn to disassociate ourselves from its influence and always take the better choice in order to produce the best results. There’s no need to over-complicate the situation because simply using right reason and common sense will always produce a better outcome than engaging in evil. People who are influenced by government, politics, or religion are always going to be disappointed at the bad results. Now, I find myself getting very uncomfortable when I read any political or religious material because I don’t know that what I am putting into my mind is true or false. Any opinion formed from false information is always going to be useless.
Most institutions are evil
It has been my experience that government and religious organizations are evil to the core. Because their foundations are evil; then always get bad results. If anything good comes from them, it is only to hide the structural evil. For example, the acts of oath-taking, affirmation, or vows are forms of lying. The reason being is that no one really knows what will happen in the future. To say one will do this or that without the facts of future happenings is ludicrous. These organizations should be avoided in order to keep life pleasant and productive. People should be able to have government or religion without the oath-taking but they seem to enjoy hanging on to the old rotten system. I think that oath-taking is the key to hell on Earth and the “new world order” and it should be avoided like the plague. Oath-taking is the turd in the punch bowl.
Immoral governments have no lawful authority
The immorality of government as it stands today, is astronomical. The act of oath-taking as every government official performs is the evil act that bears the bad fruit; as well as those who voted for them. In order to vote, the man or woman is required to swear on the voter registration form. Once the oath has been taken one enters the “new world order” and life begins to get worse and worse. The natural world order works perfectly without the oath as there is no natural necessity to ever get involved with oath-taking. Yet, people swear on a routine basis—never giving it a second thought. Mankind makes the same mistakes over and over again without learning from their mistakes. Just a casual observer can see how corrupt the governments and religions are but insist that they are necessary to keep order in society, when in fact, these two establishments produce chaos and disorder all over the world. Therefore, there is no authority in any government or religion that is immoral. These groups should be avoided at any cost. Immorality produces a bunch of thugs, murderers, tyrants, and sexual perverts with the intention of making slaves out of the people.
Natural rights are the keys to true freedom
Most of us have used manmade documents and have pointed to them as sources of rights. However, under the natural law, a man’s rights are based on the natural order which the real God established. Under the natural order, all natural rights should be respected and should never be overthrown by any religion or state; or any combination thereof. Do no harm. Under the “new world order” the lie is the most useful tool along with exorbitant fear inflicted on the people. The lie is everywhere in government. Everything it does, seems to be founded on a lie and the people who use it either don’t know, or they know but do it anyway. However, it is the natural order that has the true authority and not government or religion.
The “new world order” is a failure
The new world order is a monstrous failure. It has done nothing to insure the peace and prosperity of anyone. Even the oligarchs are failures. While they may have a lot of money, they have promoted an evil system which will ultimately turn against them. All of the rottenness of the world will fall upon the leaders because the natural world order cannot tolerate the new world order. That’s the way it is and that’s the way it always will be. Advocates of the “new world order” will fail miserably and will suffer the consequences for being evil people.
Walter Allen Thompson is the author of: Natural Law: Supreme Law of the Land