Friday, June 7, 2024

Check It Before You Believe It


Check It Before You Believe It

The most mind boggling things I have learned was hearing information that is contrary to what I had been taught.  I never would have thought that I was indoctrinated with mostly drivel, mistakes, and outright lies. As of this writing, I am 77 years old and just when I thought I had heard everything, something else come up that I've had to change my views.  I've been writing about conspiracies for many years and it is my opinion that most people don't want to know the truth.  Actually, I could have done without reading any of this nonsense and I may have had a more peaceful life.  However, knowing the truth and then acting accordingly makes good sense when using right reason and common sense.

I believe in the real God, but that's all I know.  I use the evidence of the creation that there is a real God but I don't know all of the specifics.  So I refrain from writing about things I don't know much about and the real God is one of them.  I have no regard or respect for religion as they all have a different doctrine about the nature of God.  If all of the religions have a different version of God then they are probably all wrong.  No matter which religion it is it is obvious that the people are being lied to.  When a man hears a lie and then acts upon it, the results are going to be bad.

Any kind of belief that is based on lies or inaccuracies is going to be a big waste of time and energy.  Beliefs that are based on evidence as being true are always going to have the better results.  This is why I believe that the natural law and the natural order is the best way to learn the truth. 

We were all born with the ability to reason and use common sense.  This will always get good results.  Even thinking about good things will bring peace to our minds. But if we rely on lies and falsehoods our minds will be tormented and nothing but trouble will occur.

This is why it is extremely important to make sure that the things we believe are true.  And if we find that we've been deceived, then it is time to change our minds along with a change of the course of action.  The natural law is simple and it works extremely well.  When considering any issue of the day, just ask yourself: What facts do I have that prove that XXX is true?  If you can't answer the question, then the whole issue should be put aside until the understanding appears based upon the facts.

Walter Allen Thompson has a book called:Natural Law: The True Supreme Law of the Land

#naturallaws #naturalorder 


Thursday, June 6, 2024

Build on a Moral Foundation


Build on a Moral Foundation

"Americans continue to feed the very machine

that oppresses them, the very machine

that wants to see them dead." Tucker Carlson

As it stands in today's world, government is built on the evil foundation of the oath.  Oath taking is a form of lying and there's no point to it unless one wants to connect with evil.  If the governments and religions are built on oath taking, we can see that everything that they do is not going to go well.  Since lying violates the natural law, then there is no point in using it unless these entities want to be evil.  At this point, just look at the results.  Most government and religious buildings have satanic symbols.  They push it right in our faces.

I haven't seen in the history that I am aware of any government that has been honest and conforms to the natural law or natural order.  We are all born with the ability to discern between right and wrong; good and evil; and truth and lies.  Using right reason and common sense would improve the conditions.

My suggestions to improve societies all over the world would be:


  1. Abolish oath taking.  This act is like putting yourself into bondage.
  2. Remove all satanic symbols and signs
  3. Teach young people how to think using right reason and common sense.
  4. Communism, socialism, fascism, and democracy should all be eliminated.  These systems of government are proven failures and they aren't necessary.
  5. All future forms of government must abide in the natural law.
  6. Military should only be used for defensive purposes.
  7. The economy should be allowed to operate as a free market.
  8. Income tax should be abolished because it is a form of theft.  Income tax is immoral. A man is entitled to all of the fruit of his labor.
  9. Eliminate all wars as they are not productive and they kill too many innocent people.  With the natural law, it should be easy to solve differences without going to war.
  10. Stop voting.  It's voting for the lessor of two evils; but they are still evil.  Anything that is considered government must stay within the natural law.  

It's one thing to accuse the people of being complacent, but the evil is so prevalent in the world today, it is difficult to know where to begin.  Getting rid of the oath would be the best place to start and it will get good results.  Staying within the natural order will keep us all on a moral course and the results will speak for themselves. 

It's good not to feed the machine but it is important to know that the machine is evil; the natural law is better as the real God created it.  Society, if it is to be successful and produce good results, must have a moral foundation based on the natural law which the real God created.


Swear Not at All

Walter Allen Thompson has a book called:Natural Law: The True Supreme Law of the Land

#naturallaws #naturalorder 
