Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Philosophy by Al #1

 Politicians build their policies and actions from an evil foundation; the oath, which always gets bad results.

The real God’s creation is self-evident and it can never be destroyed.

The intricacies by which life is sustained couldn’t exist unless the real God created them.

Evolution is based upon the idiocy of certain men that call themselves scientists and then passed it down as facts that they don’t have.  This stupidity twists the minds of the unsuspecting and fouls their understanding of nature.

Communism, socialism, fascism, and democracy violate the law of nature to the destruction of mankind.  All governments are formed by these demented systems.

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding who is going to be for dinner. (Not mine)

Voting is like choosing one ’s own slave master.

Communism allows a partial free market; otherwise, there would be nothing to steal.

Voting is like choosing between having the right hand cut off or the left hand being amputated. It is like choosing among communists, socialists, or fascists.  The styles are different but the bullshit remains the same.

Good doctors who trust the objective truth in science are dangerous to the state and drug companies.

All religions think their god is the correct one but they have no proof.  This is a situation that all but one religion is worshipping a false god—maybe all of them.  Another bad result.

A writing is only as good as the truth it reflects.

Any belief should be based on truth supported by facts within the natural order to be of any value.

Information must be true and correct before making any decisions.

No law has any authority unless it conforms with the natural law; if it does, then that law is unnecessary.

Let truth and goodness be the anchors of your body, mind, and soul.  

Evil deeds reap no rewards.

The natural order is the best teacher of the real God.

The natural order is beautiful, perfect, and easy to understand.

Government and religious liars are like the bad musicians in an orchestra who can’t perform in the correct key.

Government and religion are the two most destructive forces known to mankind.

Learning to control my speech and thoughts has been my most difficult problem to solve.

My mind and spirit should be filled with goodness.

An evil person is weak.

Violence and fear are what governments use against the people and these governments have no authority over anyone; especially, when their demands are immoral. 

Religion is like a spiritual eugenics program.

The beauty and complexity of life are a testament to the real God. 

To call a women a bitch is insulting to the character of a female dog.

Nature provides the truthful provisions upon which good decisions can be made.

I have a difficult time putting up with myself; let alone with some other idiot.

The only thing that is certain in life is now.

Truth is life; evil is death.

A sensible observation of the natural law; with right reason and common sense, will do more for the man than any writing.

The overpowering authority of the “new world order” comes from the Evil One, but the facts show that power acquired through evil is not power but an underlying weakness with no benefit.

Virtue is the best measure of a man’s character.

The presence of evil is not power and it should not be feared.  The evil people should be very afraid of the results that their evil produces.

The natural law or the natural order applies to everyone the same way regardless of country, religion, and culture.

Using the natural law as a boundary for my thoughts and actions is always going to produce good results.

Modern education is a form of indoctrination where perfectly good minds are thrown into the trash-heap of bad information.

The joy of life is  abiding within the natural law.  Do good; receive good.  

False words produce twisted thoughts.

Writings have no authority or validity unless they are supported by the facts and are true.

Goodness and virtue are the main components of a happy life.

Swearing of oaths is the ticket to hell and it unleashes unspeakable evil upon mankind.

Observing government and religion is like having to watch the discharge out of Satan’s ass.

Participation in evil is not going to fix anything; only separation from it.

If we believe things that are not true, we will destroy our lives by living in evil.

Evil is death that doesn’t need to be.

Living within the natural order will produce a more happy and productive life.

All of mankind has natural rights.

Mankind consists of men, women, and children.  Human being means a beast or a monkey; an animal.  Men, women, and children are not animals.

Intelligence that is meaningful is the ability to know the truth and then to use it effectively within the natural order.

Natural law is built upon the foundation that the real God created.

The best way to destroy your own life is to engage in evil deeds.

Walter Allen Thompson has a book called Natural Law: The True Supreme Law of the Land




  1. AnonymousJuly 04, 2023

    pregunta hasta cuando va a parar esto? Debido a que esto sigue y sigue, parece que no tiene fin y los judíos que controlan el mundo no tienen límites para destruir el mundo entero. No le veo final a esto, no se detendrán hasta que se establezca este nuevo orden mundial, dices que no pueden pero no se detendrán hasta que sus planes se hagan realidad.

  2. AnonymousJuly 04, 2023

    question until when is this going to stop? Because this goes on and on, it seems like it has no end and the Jews who control the world have no limits in destroying the entire world. I don't see an end to this, they won't stop until this new world order is established, you say they can't but they won't stop until their plans come true

    1. AnonymousJuly 05, 2023

      "jews" are anti-Christ so obviously Christ is the answer, whom the majority deny and that is why we are in this mess.

    2. The Bible is supposedly the perfect Word of God. It contains instructions to humanity to avoid the eternal fires of hell. How wonderful and gracious this God is in providing us with this means of overcoming the problems for which he is ultimately responsible! Almighty God could have eliminated with a mere act of will all the problems that humans must face, but instead, in his infinite wisdom, he has chosen to offer this indecipherable amalgamation of books that is the Bible as a means to avoid hell that he has prepared for us. The perfect God has decided to reveal his desires in this imperfect work, written in the imperfect language of the imperfect man, translated, copied, interpreted, voted and related by the imperfect man.

  3. AnonymousJuly 04, 2023

    The world sees that everything is wrong, the system, the governments, the religions, humanity should be free of all this, but it is a slave to these psychopaths, why not stop this, because each time this is only going to get worse?

    1. AnonymousJuly 05, 2023

      Who can stop it?

    2. If God created everything (Colossians 1:16, Ephesians 3:9, Revelation 4:11 and John 1:3), then he did create the wickedness of the world (Isaiah 45:7, Lamentations 3:38). Therefore, he is responsible. Any being that can create situations like rape, death, malnutrition, disease, sexual abuse, and murder is certainly not fit to be worshipped.

  4. AnonymousJuly 05, 2023

    "Evolution" is a gnostic tenet correlating to the lie satan made to adam and eve in the garden that if they sinned against god by "eating the fruit" of their "tree" (Malachi 6.7), they would become gods.
    When the "moshiach" of Esau, who is "the jew", is "revealed" upon the world stage, he will tout this very same tenet: those who take his mark and perpetrate with him the abomination that causes desolation, will be enabled to take the "last evolutionary step" and become as "gods". When this happens, the Wrath of God will ensue and the earth burned up along with all of the wicked who deny God and His Christ.

    1. That!? If something is perfect, nothing imperfect can come out of it. Someone once said that bad fruit cannot come from a good tree, and yet this "perfect" God created a "perfect" universe that was made imperfect by "perfect" humans. The ultimate source of imperfection is God. What is perfect cannot become imperfect, so humans must have been created imperfect. What is perfect cannot create anything imperfect, so God must be imperfect to have created these imperfect humans. A perfect God creating imperfect human beings is impossible.

    2. AnonymousJuly 10, 2023

      Only God is perfect, His Creation is perfect. But the beings He has created are endowed with self-will. The right to choose. He has given us a conscience. What is impossible about that? Obviously it is not impossible, because the truth of the matter is manifest. Unless you are blind and deaf due to pride, which is mankind´s main malady.

    3. AnonymousJuly 10, 2023

      So for millennia humanity has only proven to be a shoddy creation to the point that it is self-destructing due to the new world order, if God is perfect why didn't he ever fix human beings? Name a time when humanity has been at peace and in harmony with nature, there is no time when human beings are at peace or prove to be something good for this world, just look at the past, how many civilizations existed, they all ended in total destruction, as is currently happening, because the god who created us does not help us?

    4. AnonymousJuly 11, 2023

      Mankind is "shoddy" because he has bowed the knee to baal and believes that he does not need God. That is the problem. Do not turn the truth on its head. Wrath is impending, when the man of sin manifests, which he is being conjured to do: "if you build it, he will come". The altar of satan mentioned in Revelation 2 was removed from Turkey and re-built in Germany. Keep your eye on Germany (Assyria). The evil is lurking here and about to manifest but not until bloodshed, havoc and chaos have been perpetrated.
      God is showing mankind that we cannot combat the evil ourselves but only with Him and mankind will not see. Like Christ said, the majority and blind and deaf and at some point God will turn over the recalcitrant, at their own bidding, to strong delusion. In fact, I think we are already there.

  5. AnonymousJuly 08, 2023

    Men, women & children are light beings in human bodies. Human bodies are animal in nature. The struggle with self is tied to the human body. The animal sensory body is suffering...from the moment we are born. Hunger, thirst & needs create suffering. Expressing love & rising to a higher level of existence is an attribute of Light. God is light. This dimension is hell. All suffering is hell. Your journey is to free yourself from this hell. Death is a doorway to freedom. Until you reach your real home, I fully agree with not taking any 'oaths.' They bind you to this dimension...now & in the future.

    1. Why does the god who created us never help us in this type of situation in which humanity only suffers and lives the misery that the Jews do? What does it cost him to fix this world? and humanity is at peace, that is what causes me this conflict I do not understand this world because God tolerates all the evil in this world to the point that evil is currently destroying without limits

    2. AnonymousJuly 11, 2023

      you make yourself the center of the universe and then expect God to "help" you. Repent and believe the truth, ask Him for help.
      Why should God "fix" a world He created perfect when mankind, the custodian of it, has soiled his own habitat? You can´t have it both ways - rejection of God and blaming Him for your misery.
      Does God tolerate evil, or do we?
      Those who know God realilze that His Wrath is pending. He flooded the earth once already to "cleanse" it, He covered Sodom in sand, He removed the tower of Babel.
      Mankind must realize that self is not the way, but rather the Creator who made self.
