Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Looking for Justice in an Evil System


Looking for Justice in an Evil System

If mankind wants to solve its social problems, then he has to get down to the foundation of all the evil and correct it.  There cannot be any solution that will benefit mankind unless the root of the problem is addressed.  Well-intentioned people may try to fix these problems, but if the foundation is corrupted then there’s no point to make an attempt.  It’s like trying to make a wedding cake with a pile of manure.  Or, you can put frosting on the cake  of  rotten manure and then expect everyone to enjoy it.

 Recently, I have been writing about attempting to take positive action on any corrupted foundation. That is not going to work; it will always get bad results.  And the biggest problem with the world’s court system is the use of the oath.  Swearing oaths is a form of lying.  If lying is immoral, then results are always going to be bad.  In order to have justice in the court systems, the oath would have to be discarded in all of the courts.  This would put the process of courts back into the natural order.

I think the best way to get back into the natural is for each man, woman, and child should take the time and make intelligent judgments about their own behavior using the natural law as their guideline.  Most of us have never thought of it in this way, but it’s the  only thing that will work properly.  There are so many problems brought on mankind by governments and religions, that it is almost impossible to keep track of it all, let alone do anything about it.

We, as men and women, can only control ourselves and what we do.  If we can keep it within the real God’s natural law, then we will always get good results.  This is the real solution for mankind’s problems.  Government and religion compound the problem with their evil.  If they are oath-takers, then they are a part of the problem.

But to look for justice in an evil system is a big waste of time.  It is a lot easier for everyone to judge their own thoughts and actions with the natural order.  We are all born with a latent knowledge of the natural law and the conscience is the disciplinarian to make it work.  We should never do anything against the conscience and that will keep us out of trouble.

Walter Allen Thompson has a book called Natural Law: The True Supreme Law of the Land



  1. Al, you are right on alot of points. However, your own "foundation" is flawed. If we begin with ourselves, we will never find the truth. How can we? We are flesh, we are finite, we are "shapen in iniquity" and if left to our own devices, we will ultimately all go wrong.
    The true foundation is the Messiah, the Creator and Redeemer.
    If, as you write, all of mankind were privy to a wholesome conscience, the world we "live" in would not resemble hell so closely.
    One problem with courts is oath-taking, yes, but the authority behind the just-us system is satan, who is no authority at all. There are only 10 commandments, all of the others are made-up.
    The courts are based on "maritime" law, which is fiction and not binding. But the majority believes in and fears the counterfeit "law" and that is the key for the wicked: Our fear of their make-believe. We give the consent that locks the shackles.
    Deuteronomy 32 is about the real Rock vs. the false one. God created us, we should look to Him for the truth and not in ourselves where all of our problems originate and are compounded by our fear of their fictions.

    1. stop quoting evil bible christianity its real purpose was to numb peoples minds and let evil grow because it only encourages passivity and prayer at what point does this work with the problem we are in also why does god allow this total evil and depravity?

    2. We are a poorly made creation because there has never been a time when humanity has been in harmony with nature, it is always the same pattern in history there have been so many civilizations that all led to total destruction as is currently the case. If you look at the animal kingdom, animals do not do the same stupid things that human beings do, they have another perception of the god that created them, they respect life and order, but we are not really aware of it.

    3. Anoni you are calling good evil and evil good. Take up your grievances with the Almighty Creator. Let Him show you the truth about Creation and yourself.

    4. You have seen the true god of this world, no, you have not spoken face to face either, but you base all your faith and fantasy on a book that the Jews wrote. The worst thing is that they never read the horrible Old Testament.
      I ask you, at what point is the will of God, at what the hell does God intervene in the growth of wickedness and depravity?

    5. Not so fast. You cannot tell me what I have or have not experienced, what I know or do not know. You are coming from a stance of highfalutin pride based on ignorance.
      There is no point in responding to you, really, as you spin your wheels churning out one irrelevant pseudo-argument after another. Whining and putting on a tantrum will not remedy your blindness. You must search out the truth, which is not in you, but in the Creator, no matter what you have been taught or now believe because you have embraced the lies of tell-a-vision and edJEWcation.
      But I will let you in on a prized secret: Faith is not nothing.
      Faith is substance AND evidence. That is the definition of faith and hope. Put that in your pipe and smoke it. Maybe it will help your degenerated mindset some. (No offence, we are all in this state until we give up our pride, repent and believe the truth).

  2. You can't even give me an honest answer, it's incredible that you defend a false religion that the Jews created. Well, if what the Bible says is true, why doesn't God give us a hand in the problem that we are experiencing on the part of these psychopathic elites, why? It does not end with this in a good way. How is it possible that they interpret the book of revelations and the apocalypse?

  3. Why do those who assume they know the truth always want "an honest answer" from those they repudiate? That is non-sensical. But so is denial of the God who created you. Only the heathen rage and imagine vain things.
    But I will offer this:
    "jews" are Edomites who hate God. You do not know this because you have fallen for the indoctrination you accuse me of embracing.* You are their ready and willing victim!
    Since Edomites hate God, their scheme is to withhold the truth from those who seek it. Just like Messiah told the edomite pharisees in Matthew 23.13: the "jewish" Edomites have the keys to the Kingdom, but they neither go in nor do they suffer others to obtain the truth. Hence, "the jewish" Edomite did not write the Bible.
    Anyway, the Great White Throne Judgement will shine a light in the darkness of all the wicked deeds of men.

    *in keeping with the doctrine "as above so below" - all truth is lies and lies are truth. This twistedness is inherent to all a-theists. Wise in their own eyes, yet blind and dumb.

  4. How horrible Christianity is, you keep giving me verses that have nothing to do with it, you are ignorant to know how the Jews are, how they act
    well all the disciples of jesus were jews, jesus christ was the messiah of the jews and the jews rejected him and ended up sacrificing him
    I do not understand why you cannot give an answer based on how it is possible that they are interpreting the book of revelations and the apocalypse at what moment is the will of Jesus Christ to destroy and bring total chaos to humanity

    Supposedly everything was going to be the will of God, but it is the will of those who control the world, it has always been like that for millennia

  5. What a judgment this is not going to be solved in a magical way, we never had to have accepted this poorly done system that only exploits us and dictates the rules to just obey them, like a good goyim, this problem we are currently experiencing is because we continue to accept its deceptions , we continue to accept that they do what they want with us because for them we are only cattle that they have to sacrifice, we never do anything to confront them and put a limit on them

  6. What a judgment this is not going to be solved in a magical way, we never had to have accepted this poorly done system that only exploits us and dictates the rules to just obey them, like a good goyim, this problem we are currently experiencing is because we continue to accept its deceptions , we continue to accept that they do what they want with us because for them we are only cattle that they have to sacrifice, we never do anything to confront them and put a limit on them
