Thursday, September 7, 2017

Redneck Communist

This might be a way to describe the plague of communism in a very simple way that even a redneck can understand it.

If your government imposes an income tax; it is communist.

If your government imposes property tax; it is communist.

If your government imposes regulations on industry and agriculture; it is communist.

If your government provides free public education; it is communist.

If your government has a central banking system; it is communist.

If corporations are licensed by the STATE, State, or state; it is communist.

The only reason that communism allows any kind of free market activity, is that there needs to be something for the government to steal.

Lipstick on the Communist Pig

Walter Allen Thompson is the author of Natural Law:Supreme Law of the Land


  1. How about: if you have a government, it is satanic. Can we not "govern" ourselves? The only thing holding this governmental house of cards together is debt-slavery which is anti-Christ and a lie born in the pit of hell and "money", which is alchemical abra-ca-dabra - now you see it, now you don´t.
